Warrington Arts Council is an independent arts forum dedicated to promoting the town’s arts, culture and heritage scene and to acting as a co-ordinating body for local voluntary organisations and individuals involved in, or interested in, the cultural life of the town.

Membership is open to representatives of local voluntary organisations, individuals who support the purposes of the council and elected Borough Councillors. Anyone can attend our meetings but to become a full member with voting rights payment of a small annual subscription is required.
At our monthly meetings we discuss simple effective ways to bring together people interested in the arts through:-
• The promotion of local events on our poster boards at Warrington Bus Station and Warrington Market.
• Organising events which will bring people together to further a local art agenda in the town.
• Discussing ideas to promote the town’s great and varied history, arts and cultural assets.
We welcome simple great ideas that will forward our cultural cause in open discussion with influential people of the town. Why not join us and get involved?
Our meetings typically take place on the first Wednesday of the month at Warrington Town Hall from 6.30pm to 7.30pm although these are currently being held online due to to the COVID pandemic. Please email us in advance if you wish to attend for the first time at warringtonartscouncil@yahoo.com.
Our current committee comprises:-
Chair: Paul Taylor
Vice Chair: Richard Cowley
Treasurer: Roy Smith
Secretary: Dan Warren